
3 tips to be a successful leader

3 tips to be a successful leader

I started typing out my blog from my handwritten notes (yes, I’m still old school and first write my thoughts down on paper) and thought it might be nice to check if there are similar articles or blogs. A quick Google search led me to a mind boggling 9,88,00,000 results! My objective with this blog is to record my observations from my work experience and share them with you. This blog is intended for those of you who want to be leaders, are new leaders, or are already leaders. Here are 3 simple tips on what it takes to be a successful leader. Tip 1 – Set your intention From what I have seen in my two decades of work as an HR professional, the leaders who are able to…
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Catch ‘em young

Catch ‘em young

We all know that organizations need high performance from all its employees: the junior most to the CEO. This helps organizations thrive in the face of disruption, competition and uncertainty. Most companies spend huge amounts of money training their senior leaders/managers and training their junior staff on technical skills. What tends to get the short end of the stick is interpersonal skills/behavioral skills for junior employees. In an earlier blog I have reasoned why interpersonal skills are required. I’ve invested several years studying best practices for developing purposeful & collaborative organizations and how these lead to higher profitability & engagement. The secret sauce according to my experience is to invest in developing leadership & interpersonal skills across your entire organization. Here are the top 3 reasons you should consider investing in interpersonal…
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How to be Future Ready

How to be Future Ready

Artificial intelligence. Machine learning. Mobile Internet. 3-D printing. Driverless cars. Humanoids!   All great technologies that are transforming the world. On the flip side, it is unleashing a tsunami of changes in our lives. According to Nick van Dam, global Chief Learning Officer at McKinsey & Co., the rapid advancement will lead to massive job losses, as entire industries and companies and the workers they employ cease to exist. Van Dam’s research suggested seven million jobs would disappear between 2015 and 2020, with two million new positions created from the disruption. While the exact numbers could be disputed, there is no denying the fact that the change is going to impact all of us. So, the question is how do we find a way to stay relevant and ready ourselves for…
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5 Steps to Boost Employee Productivity

If I could show you a way to improve your organization’s profits by 12%, would you be interested? Take a look at this finding: A recent study by economists at the University of Warwick found that employee happiness led to a 12% spike in productivity. Says the research team: “We find that human happiness has large and positive causal effects on productivity. Positive emotions appear to invigorate human beings.” The equation is simple: Happier employees = Higher productivity = Higher profitability! The next question then is: What makes your employees happy & productive? That’s exactly what I want to cover in this blog post! A word of caution, though! Not all employees expect all parameters. So you could consider this a superset of factors that would please your employees. Let’s jump right…
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The c(h)ase for innovation

The c(h)ase for innovation

The c(h)ase for innovationTo say that businesses around the world are facing tough challenges would be an understatement. To stay competitive, organizations are increasingly under pressure to be innovative. Interestingly, according to a Millennial Innovation survey by Deloitte Bersin Study on Millennial’s, 78% of Millennial’s believe that innovation is essential for business growth and 87% believe the success of a business should be measured by more than just financial performance
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5 Skills for the Disruptive World

Today, you most probably own a smart phone. Were you missing it 10 years ago? No! Were you missing Social Media connects in the early 2000’s? No, but now perhaps not a day goes by without logging into Facebook or LinkedIn! Technology disrupts our lives every now and then. As Daniel Pink says, “Disruption is about giving people something they didn’t know they were missing!” Such disruption will continue into the future too, requiring us to learn and adapt. Are there skills that will carry us through such disruption? Here is my take on what capabilities might help us navigate this turbulent journey. Read this only if you meet any of the below conditions: 1. You are someone who wants to be ahead of the curve. While you live in the…
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Staying Employable amid Disruptive Changes!

Change is the only constant. Yes, I know you are thinking, ‘Oh no, not another article on change!’ This blog is not an attempt to state the obvious. The idea is to show you a few ways to hold your own ground in the midst of disruptive change. And, manage to stay employable, either as an employee or as an employer (entrepreneur). The way to do this is to get in the driver’s seat of your career and take charge. As Stephen Covey says, “ Everyone must be proactive and do all they can to help themselves stay employed. ” So, here I am, sharing with you tips that I think will help you stay relevant for your employers, customers and key stakeholders.   Meet people: Most of us are…
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Recipe for Collaboration

Rick and Radha are two managers who are equally smart. Rick has a few more years of experience than Radha. As a leader, however, Radha outperforms Rick. She is able to get much more done by her team. Why? The simple reason is that Radha is better at collaboration. And it’s not that she has been blessed with this ability; she worked towards it! So what did Radha do that Rick didn’t? Through this blog, I am going to share my recipe that makes collaboration easy for individuals. This is my second attempt at explaining how we can be better collaborators. You can find my first attempt in an earlier blog here. Understanding Collaboration Let’s look at what collaboration is. Simply put, collaboration is the act of working with someone to…
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Confessions of a Reluctant Entrepreneur!

It was a brave decision that I took in 2013 that made me start PeoplePlusResults, my independent consulting firm. It happened in a “stupid bold moment” where I made a quick decision with little information. I just wish I had been less “reluctant” to welcome the change in life! So what is this new life and why do I like it so much? I am delighted to introduce you to! At PeoplePlusResults, we help you solve your people/business challenges to help you get better business results. Through this blog, I’d like to share a few of the lessons I have learned… Living my passion I have always been passionate about the power of people. Especially while enabling them to be collaborative, empowered, and innovative in the workplace. In all my…
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With great power there must also come great responsibility

This line from Spiderman has always inspired me. Yes, I will admit it; I am a big fan of all sci-fi/superhero movies Let me get straight to the point. This blog is dedicated to all the real life Peter Parkers who are hoping to carry the power and responsibility in their role as Spiderman in the corporate world. So, here are my top 5 tips that might help you as you transition to a leadership role: Imbibe humility: We all like to deal with an individual with whom it is easy to do business. See my earlier blog on this subject: Merriam-Webster defines humility as: the quality or state of not thinking you are better than other people. When we approach others from a position of humility, it brings out their potential…
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