3 reasons why empathy is hard

3 reasons why empathy is hard

Empathy is something we all agree we need from others and we need to bring to others. “Empathy has no script. There is no right way or wrong way to do it. It’s simply listening, holding space, withholding judgment, emotionally connecting, and communicating that incredibly healing message of ‘You’re not alone.’” - Brene Brown Empathy is something we all agree we need from others and we need to bring to others. But it is hard. Through this blog I want to deconstruct what empathy is and examine the factors underpinning empathy.
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3 Hacks for Jump Starting Your Emotional Intelligence Now

3 Hacks for Jump Starting Your Emotional Intelligence Now

We’re living in times that are beset with challenge, change and complexity. This blog explores how we can use this moment in our life to flex our emotional intelligence muscles and start our own hero’s journey. What is a hero’s journey? Joseph Campbell, a prolific mythologist whose works examined the universal functions of myth in various human cultures and mythic figures, came up with this term.
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Why you need to start Journaling right now

Why you need to start Journaling right now

What is one thing that Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Marie Curie, Abraham Lincoln, Benjamin Franklin, George Bernard Shaw, Winston Churchill, Andy Warhol, Lewis Carrol, Leonardo Da Vinci, Charles Darwin, Marcus Aurelius, Ernest Hemingway, and Maya Angelou have in common? They were all serious and habitual journalers.
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4 Behaviors That Will Make You Easier To Do Business With

4 Behaviors That Will Make You Easier To Do Business With

“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” Yoda These are unprecedented and complex times we’re living in. We’re all trying to make sense of how we can serve those around us better while we keep our own balance. I asked a few of my LinkedIn connections what the top 3 attitudes or behaviors are they really need from their colleagues now to keep their business going. What I found is that these correlate very strongly with Emotional Intelligence and especially, Self-Management and  Social Awareness, which is primarily Empathy.
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4 Ways Emotional Intelligence Can Help Leaders Right Now

4 Ways Emotional Intelligence Can Help Leaders Right Now

Linked In
We’ve often heard the phrase that “Change is inevitable”. But now, each of one us is feeling it viscerally, literally, like a sucker punch. “Cometh the hour, Cometh the man” (or woman), said William Shakespeare. This blog is my attempt to help all Leaders who have the onerous responsibility of guiding their organizations, teams, families, and themselves through these trying and troubled times to rise to the occasion by tapping into the power of Emotional Intelligence within them. As a Leader, you’re responsible for the profits/revenue for your enterprise. To my understanding, you achieve it mostly by choosing to think right and make decisions that result in engagement and productivity of employees which inspires a culture of high-quality execution and innovation leading to customer retention. So, the question that begs…
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3 Behaviors Leaders need from Employees

3 Behaviors Leaders need from Employees

Linked In
I’ve been ruminating over the causes for friction: lack of collaboration, honesty, and trust in organizations. While this certainly boils down to culture, my take is that this happens due to a divide between what leaders expect from their employees and what employees expect from their leaders. So, this is my attempt share my thoughts on what leaders expect from their employees in terms for their behavioral skills in the current times. I reached out to many of my LinkedIn connections in my attempt to seek truth and this blog is a result of the insights I gained from their responses (thanks to my LinkedIn connections for their responses) The question I asked them was “If as a leader, you were to get a magic wand with which you could transform…
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The 3-Step Process For Developing An Emotionally Intelligent Workforce

The 3-Step Process For Developing An Emotionally Intelligent Workforce

Linked In
This blog is my more detailed response to a question Arnold Mascarenhas asked me about my thoughts were on how organizations can build EI into their workforce. If you’re reading this, I’m willing to bet that you’ve heard of the growing importance of ‘Emotional Intelligence,’ popularly known as EI or EQ in the age of Artificial Intelligence & Automation. EI refers to one’s capacity to understand and regulate emotions, both within oneself and in others, to guide one’s thinking and behaviour to develop stronger relationships with others. While EI has always been relevant and important to the world of business, there is now a greater urgency for organizations to enable their employees to become Emotionally Intelligent because of AI & Automation. Why, you may ask? With increasing AI & Automation, all…
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